Constitution Day: U.S. Supreme Court Review/Preview
Susan Appleton, Washington University Lemma Barkeloo & Phoebe Couzins Professor of Law; Lee Epstein, Washington University Ethan A.H. Shepley Distinguished Professor and Weidenbaum Center Faculty Research Fellow; Adam Liptak, Journalist, New York Times; and Greg Magarian, Washington University Thomas & Karole Green Professor of Law and Weidenbaum Center Faculty Research Fellow, will present the annual “Constitution Day: US Supreme Court Review/Preview” on Tuesday, September 21, 5 pm CST, on Zoom.
This event is presented by the Washington University School of Law Public Interest Law & Policy Speaker Series, in conjunction with the Gephardt Institute for Civic & Community Engagement; the Weidenbaum Center for Economy, Government & Public Policy; US Arbitration & Mediation; and the American Constitution Society.
Click here to register: Consitution Day event