Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, with Petra Schleiter (Oxford), and Jonathan Homala (UCLA), The Effect of Gender Equality Promoting Legislation On Public Attitudes, Norm Perceptions, and Behavior
Deniz Aksoy and Amaan Charaniya, Department of Political Science, Territorial Disputes and Public Opinion
Daniel Butler, Department of Political Science, Gerrymadering's Polarizing Impact on Primary Electorates
Lucia Motolinia Carballo, Department of Political Science, (When) Are Populists Bad for the Environment?
Ian Fillmore, Department of Economics, Creating a Database of Foster Care System Policies, and Practices
Matt Gabel, Department of Political Science, "I Am Guilty": The Political Effects of Dissidents' Confessions
George-Levi Gayle, Martin Garcia Vazquez, and Limor Golan, Department of Economics, Place-Based Policies, Family Structure, and the Geography of the American Dream
Philipp Grübener, Department of Economics, Why has the ETIC Expanded So Much? Intensive and Extensive Elasticities Over Time
Patrick Hill, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Purpose, Activism, and the 2024 Presidential Election
Jaclyn Kaslovsky and Michael Olson, Department of Political Science, Constituent Communications in an Era of Polarization
Margot Moinester, Department of Sociology, Refugee Success: Developing Refugee-Grounded Definitions and Measurement
Lucia Motolinia Carballo, Department of Political Science, Unity through Particularism
Mike Olson, Department of Political Science, Stolen Representation: Legislative Politics and Black Disfranchisement in the American South
Peng Peng, Department of Political Science, Does the China Model Challenege the Liberal World Order?
Werner Ploberger, Department of Economics, Martingales, Filtrations, and Probability Measures
Amy Pond and Timm Betz, Department of Political Science, Corporate Campaigning in Brazil
Jake Rosenfeld, Department of Sociology, The Future of Public Sector Worker Power
Yongseok Shin, Department of Economics, Employment and Hours Over the Business Cycle
Margit Tavits and Rex Weiye Deng, Department of Political Science, Exploiting Extremism: Strategic Responses of Radical Right Parties to Right-Wing Violence in Europe
Carly Wayne and Alexis Jang, Department of Political Science, Women on the Frontlines: Military Conscription and Perceptions of Female Political Leadership
Kiara Wyndham-Douds, Department of Sociology, Book Workshop and Community Engagement Design
Deniz Aksoy, Department of Political Science, The Political Consequences of Judicial Repression: Evidence from Turkey
Dan Butler, Matthew Hayes, and Sunita Parikh, all with the Department of Political Science, RAs for 2023 Washington University Summer Training Experience in Political Science
Taylor Carlson, Department of Political Science, Carlson-Race/News
Brian Carpenter, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, The 21st Century Cures Act: Implications for Communication Between Patients and Clinicians
David Carter, Department of Political Science, How Individual Preferences Are Formed Over Foreign Direct Investment
David Cunningham, Department of Sociology, Reckoning With 'The Troubles': Contending Public Memories and Memorializations of Fatal Violence in Contemporary Belfast
Ted Enamorado, Department of Political Science, De-censor: How China Reveals Politically Sensitive Information
Steven Fazzari, Departments of Economics and Sociology, Rising Inequality in American Households' Sustainable Consumption
Andrew Jordan, Department of Economics, Careers in Policing: A Human Capital Approach
Calvin Lai, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Exploring the Power of Immersion and Emotion Granularity for Intervention Design
Jacob Montgomery, Department of Political Science, Conditional Random Fields
Lucia Motolinia Carballo, Department of Political Science, The Political Wealth of Nations
Lucia Motolinia Carballo, Department of Political Science, Candidate Gender Selection and Competitiveness
Ismael Mourifie, Department of Economics, Econometrics in Centralized School Choice Mechanisms
William Nomikos, Department of Political Science, Disinformation and Social Media in Mali
Michael Olson, Department of Political Science, Historical Sub-National Legislative Politics in the United States
Werner Ploberger, Department of Economics, Slowly Changing Nonstationary Processes
Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Assessing the Impact of AI on Policy Preferences: Experimental Evidence from Mexico
Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, Conflict and the Disengagement of Women Politicians
Carly Wayne, Department of Political Science, Violent Interactions in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Anna Wilke, Department of Political Science, How Does Girls' Empowerment Affect Boys?
Kiara Wyndham-Douds, Department of Sociology, St. Louis Zoning Atlas
Gaurab Aryal, Department of Economics, Dynamic Cournot "Oil'Igopoly" with Private Information
Costas Azariadis, Department of Economics, Limit Cycles in Lifecycle Economies with Collateral Scarcity
Ana Babus, Department of Economics, Who Issues What: A New Perspective on Financial Innovation
Francisco Buera, Department of Economics, Firm Growth, Finance, and Development
Daniel Butler, Department of Political Science, Extending the Governor's State of the State Adress
Taylor Carlson, Department of Political Science, Political Effects of FOX News
David Carter and Ipek Ece Sener, Department of Political Science, Sympathy for Rebel Movements in a Volatile Border Region of Turkey
Dino Christenson, Taylor Carlson, and Betsy Sinclair, Department of Political Science, Cooperative Survey Project on the 2022 Primaries
Brian Crisp and Matt Gabel, Department of Political Science, Race and Political Representation in the St. Louis Area
George Gayle and Limor Golan, Department of Economics, Insider and Outsider Careers in Executive Management
Clarissa Hayward, Department of Political Science, Why College Students Don't Vote
Andrew Jordan, Department of Economics, Racial Disparity in Criminal Justice
Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, Department of Sociology, A Good Reputation: How Residents Fight for an American Barrio
Lucia Motolinia, Department of Political Science, Winning More with Less: How Parties Can Win More Votes without Winning Over More Voters
William Nomikos and Gechun Lin, Department of Political Science, Political Practices and Social Media
Michael Olson, Department of Political Science, Expertise and Representation in American Local Politics
Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Flooding, Voting, and the Political Economy of Risky Assets
Yongseok Shin, Department of Economics, Misallocation and the Selection Channel
Betsy Sinclair, Department of Political Science, The Stories that Win
Betsy Sinclair, Department of Political Science, Primary Elections Survey in Alaska
Margit Tavits, Jeremy Siow, and Tony Yang, Department of Political Science, Political Socialization Effects of Language
Anna Wilke, Department of Political Science, The Political Effects of Bridging the Digital Divide -- A Randomized Controlled Trial on Internet Access in South African Townships
Kiara Wyndham-Douds, Department of Sociology, National Survey of Black Suburnbanites Pilot
Deniz Aksoy, Department of Political Science, Public Opinions Toward Use of Force in Non-Democracies
Taylor Carlson, Department of Political Science, Political Polarization and Interparty Contact
Taylor Carlson and Carly Wayne, Department of Political Science, Extremism Spirals and How to Break Them
David Carter and Taylor Carlson, Department of Political Science, "Audience Costs" and How Individuals Learn about a Leader Affects Political Preference
Dino Christenson, Department of Political Science, Amicus Curiae Data Collection
Caity Collins, Department of Sociology, Child Care in St. Louis
Brian Crisp, Department of Political Science, The Effects of Electoral Systems on Voters Employment of Preferences on Two Dimensions
Matt Gabel, Department of Political Science, Racial Differences in the Prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
Patrick Ishizuka, Department of Sociology, Trends in the Gender Housework Gap Across Family Types: 1976-2019
Jim Gibson, Department of Political Science, Perceived Legitimacy of the Supreme Court and Other American Institutions
Margaret Moinester and Ariela Schachter, Department of Sociology, Deportation Fear and its Collateral Consequences
Jacob Montgomery, Department of Political Science, Characterizing Political Advertising on Facebook
William Nomikos, Department of Political Science, Connection Between Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
William Nomikos and Michael Olson, Department of Political Science, Racial Violence in the American South
Sunita Parikh, Department of Political Science, Linguistic Context, Politicians, and the Public
Brian Rogers, Department of Economics, Experimental Research on Beliefs and Information Transmission
Brian Rogers and SangMok Lee, Department of Economics, Dynamic Matching Markets
Betsy Sinclair, Department of Political Science, Measuring Elite Preferences and Behavior with Social Media Data: Local Elected Officials
Steven S. Smith, Department of Political Science, A Matched-Sample Analysis of the Effects of Disability on Civic Participation
Steven S. Smith, Department of Political Science, The Disability Gap: The Challenges of Political Participation by Persons with Disabilities and Impairments
Carly Wayne, Department of Political Science, Examining the Content of White Nationalist Messaging
Michael Bechtel, Guillermo Rosas, and Taishi Muraoka, Department of Political Science, Inequality, Perceptions of Party Positions, and Public Policy Preferences
Dino Christenson, Andrew Reeves, and Tyler Reny, Department of Political Science, Public Attitudes toward the Environment
George Levi-Gayle, Department of Economics, Child-care Subsidies, Income, and Bequest Taxation, Marriage, and Intergenerational Mobility
Limor Golan, Department of Economics, Inequality, Statistical Discrimination, and Occupation Setting
Margot Moinester, Department of Sociology, The Long Arc of U.S. Interior Immigration Enoforcement
Jacob Montgomery, Department of Political Science, Crowd Sourcing and Topic Models
William Nomikos, Department of Political Science, United Nations Peacebuilding Outcomes
William Nomikos, Department of Political Science, United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Long-term Peace Outcomes
Michael Olson, Department of Political Science, Legislative Consequences of Black Disenfranchisements in the American South
Brian Rogers, Department of Economics, Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty
Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Spanish Bank Management Boards
Betsy Sinclair, Department of Political Science, Attitudes about the Primary System
Betsy Sinclair and Andrew Reeves, Department of Political Science, Local Political Institutions and Policy
Carly Wayne, Department of Political Science, Military Tactics in Asymmetric Conflicts
Ana Babus, Department of Economics, The Anatomy of Financial Innovation
David Cunningham, Hedwig Lee, Sarah Gaby, Department of Sociology, and Geoff Ward, African and American Studies, Legacies of Enslavement for Area Violence, Inequality, and Health
Ian Fillmore, Department of Economics, Parental Wealth's Impact on Child Outcomes, Wealth Shocks Across Generations, and Geographic and Socioeconomic Mobility of Subsequent Generations
Sangmitra Gautam, Department of Economics, Examining the Role of Intra-Household Bargaining in Determining Maternal and Child Health
Christopher Lucas, Department of Political Science, Measuring the Effects of Disinformation Spread by Algorithmically Faked Videos on Older Populations
Rody Manuelli, Department of Economics, Meeting of the Society for Economic Dynamics
William Nomikos, Department of Political Science, Strengthening Social Trust and Rebuilding Communal Norms of Tolerance in the West African State of Burkina Faso
Sunita Parikh, Department of Political Science, Networks Among Amazon Mechanical Turk Workers in India
Andrew Reeves, Department of Political Science, Survey Research on Urban Rural Divide, Unilateral Powers and the Presidency, and How Voters Hold the Administrative State Accountable
John Robinson, Department of Sociology, Opportunity Zones” and the Economy of Investable Disadvantage
Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Governors, Presidents, and Party Labels as Ideological Cues
Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, Language, Bias, and Ethnic Tolerance
Ping Wang, Department of Economics, Flying or Trapped: Theory and Application beyond Akamatsu and Malthus
Carly Wayne, Department of Political Science, The Emotional Mechanisms of Responses to Terrorism
Deniz Aksoy, Department of Political Science, Survey on Ethnic Mobilization in Turkey
Sarah Brierley and George Ofosu, Department of Political Science, Campaign Messages and Voting in Ghana
Caitlyn Collins, Department of Sociology, Work-Family Policies
David Cunningham and Hedwig Lee, Department of Sociology, Legacies of Slavery
George-Levi Gayle, Department of Economics, Work Flexibility and Mobility
Limor Golan, Department of Economics, Race, Education, and Income Inequality
Hedwig Lee, Department of Sociology, Women Connected to Incarcerated Individuals
Rody Manuelli, Department of Economics, Insurance and Technological Progress
Jacob Montgomery, Department of Political Science, Conversation and Partnership
Paulo Natenzon, Department of Economics, Perceptual Errors and Economic Choices
Sunita Parikh, Department of Political Science, Ethnic Cabinet Appointments
Andrew Reeves, Department of Political Science, Leadership, Public Opinion, and Crises
Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Inequality, Credit, and Preferences for Redistribution
Betsy Sinclair, Department of Political Science, Mechanisms for Civic Engagement
Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, Message Distortion and Party Policy Images in the United Kingdom
Dan Butler, Department of Political Science, The Role of Public Opinion on Individual MPs in Party-Systems: An Experiment in Sweden
Michael Bechtel, Department of Political Science, MTurk Survey on Short-Sightedness, Risk Aversion, and Long-Term Policy Investment
David Cunningham, Department of Sociology, Racial Reconciliation
Ian Fillmore, Department of Political Science, College Pricing in the U.S. College Market
Matthew Gabel, Department of Political Science, Vote Dilution under the Voting Rights Act
Sanghmitra Gautam, Department of Economics, Preventative Healthcare in Developing Countries
Hedwig Lee, Department of Sociology, Women Connected to Incarcerated Individuals
Jacob Montgomery, Department of Political Science, Misperceptions in Social Media
George Ofosu, Department of Political Science, Constituency Service in Ghana
Andrew Reeves, Department of Political Science, Geography and Political Behavior
Ariela Schachter, Department of Sociology, Rental Housing
Norman Schofield, Department of Political Science, Activists in U.S. Election Campaigns
Betsy Sinclair, Department of Political Science, BUILD Workshop
Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, Campaign Rhetoric and Political Parties
Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, UK Survey on Political Speech and Prejudice Reduction
Venus Bivar, Department of History, Economic Growth as a Political Instrument
Daniel Butler, Department of Political Science, Laboratories of Democracy Project
Adia Harvey Wingfield, Department of Political Science, Racial Realities of Professional Employment: Black Workers in the Hospital Setting
Paulo Natenzon, Department of Economics, Rational Choice and Limited Sampling
Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis/Michele Boldrin, Department of Economics, Inequality, Innovation and Intellectual Property Conference
Betsy Sinclair, Department of Political Science, Polarization and Its Solutions: The Top Two Primary
Betsy Sinclair, Department of Political Science, Two-Wave California Voter Survey
Norman Schofield, Department of Political Science, Elections and Parties
Margit Tavist, Department of Political Science, Wartime Violence and Post-War Women's Representation
Daniel Butler/Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, Cooperation and Representation in Conflict Societies
Justin Fox, Department of Political Science, Public Attitudes about Delegation
Jacob Montgomery, Department of Political Science, Workshop Funding
Jacob Montgomery/Jon Rogowski, Department of Political Science, In Their Own Words: Improving the U.S Congressional Elections with Human Computations Analysis of Political Texts
Werner Ploberger/Jinji Hao, Department of Economics, The Dynamics of Beliefs in the Option Marker
Andrew Reeves, Department of Political Science, Accessing Local Disaster Damage
Andrew Reeves/Jon Rogowski, Department of Political Science, Public Support for Unilateral Action
Norman Schofield, Department of Political Science, Role of Activists in U.S Elections
Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, Perceived Threats of Immigration
Daniel Butler, Department of Political Science, Laboratories of Democracy Project
Andrew Reeves/Jon Rogowski, Department of Political Science, Geolocation Survey Project
Dawn Brancati, Department of Political Science, The People's Democracy: Causes and Consequences of Pro-Democracy Requests
Brian Crisp, Department of Political Science, Using the Composition of Constituencies to Explain Party System Nationalization, Government Formation, and Policy Outcomes
Brian Crisp/Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Placing Latin American Citizens and Elites on Common Ground
Limor Golan, Department of Economics, Learning, Occupational Choice, Labor Supply, and the Gender Earnings Gap
Peter Kastor, Department of History, Patronage, Statebuilding, and the Creation of Federal Governance
Jacob Montgomery, Department of Political Science, Informative Priors for Computerized Adaptive Testing on Public Opinion Surveys
Ryan Moore/Andrew Reeves, Department of Political Science, Reconceptualizing Political Context
Juan Pantano, Department of Economics, Retirement, Social Security, and Life Expectancy
Sunita Parikh, Department of Political Science, Indian Courts and Political Violence in India
Andrew Reeves/Jon Rogowski, Department of Political Science, Legitimacy and the Institutional Presidency
Jon Rogowski, Department of Political Science, Elections and Accountability in American Legislatures
Carl Sanders, Department of Economics, Why Can't Long-term Unemployed Workers Find Jobs?
Norman Schofield, Department of Political Science, Applying a New Logit Model to Elections in Britain
Betsy Sinclair, Department of Political Science, Public Opinion, Partisan Motivated Reasoning, and Climate Change
Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, When Can Voters Accurately Place Parties?
Ping Wang, Department of Economics, Cost-Effectiveness of Personalized Medicine: Smoking Cessation Treatment
Dawn Brancati, Department of Political Science, TAPS Survey Grant
Brian Crisp, Department of Political Science, Electoral Institutions and Legislative Speech
James Gibson, Department of Political Science, TAPS Survey Grant
Nathan Jensen, Department of Political Science, TAPS Survey Grant
Jacob Montgomery, Department of Political Science, Network Analysis of Congressional Staff
Ryan Moore, Department of Political Science, TAPS Survey Grant
Melanie Springer, Department of Political Science, TAPS Survey Grant
Michele Boldrin/Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis, Department of Economics, Economic Growth in China
Sebastian Galiani, Department of Economics, Laboratory Experiments in Political Economy
Mona Krook, Department of Political Science, Women's Access to Elective Office
Jacob Montgomery, Department of Political Science, Adaptive Testing for Political Science
Juan Pantano, Department of Political Science, Housing Assistance and the Labor Market
Norman Schofield, Department of Political Science, Election Models and Networks
Itai Sened, Department of Political Science, Middle Class and Economic Growth
Melanie Springer, Department of Political Science, Enfranchisement and the Racial Threat in Voting Behavior
Margit Tavits/Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Inequality, Electoral Geography, and Political Polarization
Gaetano Antinolfi, Department of Economics, Liquidity and Monetary Policy
Michele Boldrin, Department of Economics, Workshop - Allocating Resources Across Generations
Brian Crisp, Department of Political Science, Floor Decision Making in Latin America
Brian Crisp, Department of Political Science, Agenda Control in Bicameral Legislatures
Sebastian Galiani, Department of Economics, Impact of Providing Housing to Poor in Latin Ameria
Pamela Jakiela, Department of Economics, Kenya Risk Panel
Sukkoo Kim, Department of Economics, U. S. State laws and Regulations Reconsidered
Mona Lena Krook, Department of Political Science, Gender Quotas and Representation
Stephanie Lau, Department of Economics, Expectation Damages in Complex Contracts
Gary Miller/Itai Sened, Department of Political Science, Preference Estimation and the Uncovered Set
Juan Pantano, Department of Economics, C-Section and Fertility
Sunita Parikh, Department of Political Science, Indian Supreme Court
Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Support for Presidential Campaigns in Fed. Regimes
Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis, Department of Economics, AIDS, Development, and Policy
Norman Schofield, Department of Political Science, Support Toward Survey conducted in Baku
Norman Schofield, Department of Political Science, The Political Economy of Democracy
Itai Sened, Department of Political Science, Role of Middle Class in Sustainable Economic Growth
Melanie Springer (Political Science): Voter Bias
Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, Inside Political Parties
Ping Wang, Department of Economics, Housing Dynamics: A Quantitative Study
Michele Boldrin/ Raul Santaeulia-Llopis, Department of Economics, Intertemporal Issues & Exhaustible Resources
Dawn Brancati, Department of Political Science, Kosovo Field Experiments
Brian Crisp, Department of Political Science, At-Large Legislative Districts
Brian Crisp, Department of Political Science, Legislative Voting in Latin America
Matt Gabel, Department of Political Science, Roll-Call Voting Requests and Selection
Sebastian Galiani, Department of Economics, Effects of Cash Transfers to Rural Elderly in Mexico
Pamela Jakiela, Department of Economics, Aspirational Intervention & Student Test Scores
Nathan Jensen, Department of Economics, Tax Policy & New Investments
Mona Lena Krook, Department of Political Science, Reframing Representation and Women's Interests
William Lowry, Department of Political Science, Change to Stable Energy Policy
Ryan Moore, Department of Political Science, Old Age Pensions in the States
Juan Pantano, Department of Economics, Physician Behavior and Medical Malpractice Litigation
Raul Santaeulalia-Lopis, Department of Economics, AIDS and Economic Development
Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Legislative Voting in National Assemblies
Yongseok Shin, Department of Economics, Finance, Development, and Human Capital
Melanie Springer, Department of Political Science, Voter Bias and Youth Enfranchisement
Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, Party Organizations in Post-Communist Europe
Marcus Berliant, Department of Economics, Decentralization Conference
Sebastian Galiani, Department of Economics, Military Service and IT Training Program in Argentina
Steven Haptonstahl, Department of Political Science, Uncertainty in Bargaining
Pamela Jakiela, Department of Economics, Innovative Education Program in Kenya
Stephanie Lau, Department of Economics, Expectation Damages
Gary Miller/Itai Sened, Department of Political Science, The Uncovered Set and Senate Coalitions
Gary Miller, Department of Political Science, The Civil Rights Movement
Michael Minta, Department of Political Science, Representation of Minority Interests in Congress
Juan Pantano, Department of Economics, The Economics of a 24-7 Society
Norman Schofield, Department of Political Science, Activist Coalitions and Regime Change
Melanie Springer, Department of Political Science, American Elections
Margit Tavits, Department of Political Science, Party Organizational Strength in Post-Communist Democracies
Brian Crisp, Department of Political Science, Pivotal Politics in Latin American Presidential Systems
James Gibson, Department of Political Science, Summer Research Assistance
Gary Miller, Department of Political Science, Estimation of Ideal Points and Bill Locations
Charles Moul, Department of Economics, Research Assistance
Marcus Berliant, Department of Economics, Knowledge Creation and Transfer
Steve Fazzari, Department of Economics, Household Debt
Matthew Gabel, Department of Political Science, European Court of Justice
Sebastian Galiani, Department of Economics, Legacy of Colonial Institutions in Argentina
Sukkoo Kim, Department of Economics, Data Purchases, Research Assistance, and Travel
Sukkoo Kim, Department of Economics, Economic History of India
Mona Lena Krook, Department of Political Science, Selection of Female Candidates to Public Office
Andrew Mertha, Department of Political Science, Chinese Energy Policy
Gary Miller, Department of Political Science, Negotiation and Compensation
James Morley, Department of Economics, Structural Change in Macroeconomic Variables
Charles Moul, Department of Economics, Market Structure & Prices in Office Supply Superstores
Charles Moul, Department of Economics, Economics of Tournaments
Sunita Parikh, Department of Political Science, Indian Courts and Riots
Paul Rothstein, Department of Economics, Impact of Philanthropic Giving
Norman Schofield, Department of Economics, Leadership Turnover & Political Activism
Andrew Sobel, Department of Political Science, Domestic Finance, Commitments, and Global Leadership
Melanie Springer, Department of Political Science, Electoral Institution Choice
Robert Walker, Political Science, Exchange Rate Regimes and Bond Ratings
Ethan Bueno de Mesquita, Department of Political Science, Strategic Voting in Israel
Brian Crisp, Department of Political Science, At-Large Legislative Districts
Steve Fazzari, Department of Economics, Research Support for Barry Cynamon
James Gibson, Department of Political Science, Support for Research Project/NSF Proposal Preparation
James Gibson, Department of Political Science, Travel and Research Assistance
Nathan Jensen, Department of Political Science, Grant for Travel, Data Purchases, Research Assistance
Andrew Martin, Department of Political Science, Effects of Race and Gender on Judging
Andrew Mertha, Department of Political Science, Politics of Hydropower in China
James Morley, Department of Economics, Unit Roots and Cointegration
Donald Nichols, Department of Economics, Impact of Hospital Closures
Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Expert Committees
Norman Schofield, Department of Economics, Dimensionality in Legislative Voting
Itai Sened, Department of Political Science, Income Inequality and Economic Growth
Ping Wang, Department of Economics, Economic Stratification and Development
Ethan Bueno de Mesquita, Department of Political Science, Terrorist Violence on public opinion
Brian Crisp, Department of Political Science, Representation and At-Large Districts
Lee Epstein, Department of Political Science, Constitutions, Judicial Institutions, and the Rule of Law
James Gibson, Department of Political Science, Workshop on Political Intolerance
Nathan Jensen, Department of Political Science, Workshop/Political Economy of Multinational Corporations
Nathan Jensen, Department of Political Science, Political Determinants of Expropriation
Peter Kastor, Department of History, Appointments in the Jefferson Administration
William Lowry, Department of Political Science, River Management Policies
Andrew Martin, Department of Political Science, Bayesian Inference in the Social Sciences
Andrew Mertha, Department of Political Science, Economic and Political Liberalization in China
Gary Miller, Department of Political Science, Earmarks in the Department of Agriculture
James Morley, Department of Economics, Unit Roots and Cointegration in Components Framework
Charles Moul, Department of Economics, Tax Differences in the Retail Gasoline of Chicago
Wilhelm Neufeind, Department of Economics, Dynamic Model or Decentralized Price Information
Donald Nichols, Department of Economics, Crowd-Out: Insurance Disenrollment to Qualify for SCHIP
Sunita Parikh, Department of Political Science, Indian Supreme Court
Sunita Parikh, Department of Political Science, Indian Interbranch Politics
Guillermo Rosas, Department of Political Science, Mexican Federal Election Inst. & Electoral Courts
Norman Schofield , Department of Political Science, Constitutional Quandaries & the Dynamics of Political Economic Change
Marcus Berliant, Department of Economics, Dynamic Urban Models
Randall Calvert, Department of Political Science, Experimental Work on Cooperation (Extension)
Lee Epstein, Department of Political Science, Judicial Decision Making Research Assistance Grant
Steve Fazzari, Department of Economics, Research Assistance Grant
David Felix, Department of Economics, Purchase of Data/Research Assistance Grant
Nathan Jensen, Department of Political Science, Stock Markets, Elections, and Political Business Cycles
Nathan Jensen, Department of Political Science, Political Risk
Andrew Martin, Department of Political Science, Understanding Precedent & the U.S. Supreme Court
Andrew Martin, Department of Political Science, Precedent and the Supreme Court
Andrew Mertha, Department of Political Science, Property Rights in China
Andrew Mertha, Department of Political Science, Institutional Changes in China
James Morley, Department of Economics, Research Assistance
James Morley, Department of Economics, Business Cycles Asymmetry and Stabilization Policy
Charles Moul, Department of Economics, Economics of the Movie Industry Edited Volume
Charles Moul, Department of Economics, Research Assistance
Itai Sened, Department of Political Science, Property Rights in Developing Countries
Lester Spence, Department of Political Science, Young Citizenship Survey
Gaetano Antinolfi, Department of Economics, Support for visit by project collaborator
Lisa Baldez, Department of Political Science, Research Assistance/Travel Expenses/Supplies, Etc.
Randall Calvert, Department of Political Science, Research Subjects, Lab Usage, Programming Grant
John Carey, Department of Political Science, Research Assistance Grant
John Carey, Department of Political Science, Interview Translations Grant
Lee Epstein, Department of Political Science, Research Assistance Grant
James Gibson, Department of Political Science, Research Assistance/Travel Expenses
Edward Greenberg, Department of Economics, Grant for Research Assistance
Nathan Jensen, Department of Political Science, Grant for Research Assistance
William Lowry, Department of Political Science, Grant for Undergraduate RA
Andrew Martin, Department of Political Science, Research Assistant
Andrew Mertha, Department of Political Science, Research Assistance Grant
Gary Miller, Department of Political Science, Competing Frames in Policy Debates
James Morley, Department of Economics, Financial Market Crises
Charles Moul, Department of Economics, Research Assistance
Charles Moul, Department of Economics, Research Assistance
John Nye, Department of Economics, Institutions in the Process of Historical Transition
Andrew Rehfeld, Department of Political Science, Political Maturity and Age Requirements
Itai Sened, Department of Political Science, Multiparty Parliamentary Systems
Andrew Sobel, Department of Political Science, Data Gathering and Travel
Lester Spence, Department of Political Science, Research Assistance
Gaetano Antinolfi, Department of Economics, Official Dollarization Project
Lisa Baldez, Department of Political Science, Research Assistance Grant
Lee Benham, Department of Economics, Research Assistance Grant
Steve Fazzari, Department of Economics, Research Assistance Grant
Sukkoo Kim, Department of Economics, Research Assistance
Andrew Martin, Department of Political Science, Workshop on Ideal Point
Andrew Mertha, Department of Political Science, Research Assistance Grant
Gary Miller, Department of Political Science, Experimental Subjects for Strategic Interaction Project
Gary Miller, Department of Political Science, Research on Trust in Principal-Agent Negotiations
Gary Miller, Department of Political Science, Programming/Principal-Agent Negotiations
James Morley, Department of Economics, State-Space Models Conference
John Nye, Department of Economics, History of Anglo-French Trade
Rachel Roth, Department of Political Science, Research Assistance
Itai Sened, Department of Political Science, Multiparty Parliamentary Systems
Olga Shvetsova, Department of Political Science, Research Assistance