St. Louis online rental market reflects biases, neighborhood stigma, study finds
Weidenbaum Center Associate Director Ariela Schachter on online rental market biases in St. Louis
December 2023
Weidenbaum Center Resident Fellow Jake Rosenthal quoted in The Washington Post
Weidenbaum Center Faculty Research Fellow Timothy McBride interviewed on St. Louis Public Radio
Weidenbaum Center Faculty Research Fellow interviewed in Colorado Politics
Each year the Weidenbaum Center funds hundreds of thousands of dollars in research in the Social Sciences at Washington University. Weidenbaum Center Eliot Society members were treated to a public policy meeting in mid-November featuring six faculty members who received internal grants from the Weidenbaum Center to fund their groundbreaking research efforts. The following lists our speakers and their presentation titles: Brian Carpenter, Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences, "The 21st Century Cares Act: Implications for Communication Between Patients and Providers"; Caitlyn Collins, Associate Professor of Sociology, "Making Motherhood Work: How Women Manage Careers and Caregiving"; Lucia Motolina, Assistant Professor of Political Science, "Winning More With Less: How Parties Win More Votes Without Winning Over More Voters"; Patrick Ishizuka, Assistant Professor of Sociology, "Trends in the Gender Household Gap Across Family Types: 1976-2019"; Limor Golan (pictured left), Lawrence H. Meyer Professor of Economics and Weidenbaum Center Research Fellow, "Using Quasi Experimental Data to Estimate the Effect of Incarceration on the Racial Gaps in Career Dynamics, Recidivism, and Pay Gaps"; and Matthew Hayes, Associate Professor of Political Science and Weidenbaum Center Research Fellow, "The Washington University Summer Training Experience in Political Science (WU-STEPS)."
Weidenbaum Center Research Fellow Travis Crum authors opinion piece on Election Law Blog
Weidenbaum Center Research Fellow and Director of Survey Research Taylor Carlson profiled in The Source
Hover over pictures to see captions
Molly Cline, Co-Chair of the Weidenbaum Center Eliot Society Committee, addressing guests
Faculty (l to r): Travis Crum (Weidenbaum Research Fellow/Law), Stephanie Shady (Political Science), Chris Lucas (Political Science), Andrew Jordan (Weidenbaum Research Fellow/Economics), & Michael Olson (Weidenbaum Research Fellow/Political Science)
Weidenbaum Center members Darcella Craven and Beth Hertzig
Weidenbaum Center member Bill Finnie, and Weidenbaum Center Eliot Society Committee Member Gayle Jackson