Creating An Organizational Culture That’s More Inclusive For Black Employees
Weidenbaum Center Executive Committee member Adia Harvey Wingfield authors article in Harvard Business Review
November 2023
Weidenbaum Center Resident Fellow Jake Rosenfeld quoted in The Messenger Business
Weidenbaum Center speaker Krister Knapp interviewed on KMOX radio
Weidenbaum Center Internal Grant Recipients Jacob Montgomery, Margit Tavits, and Christopher Lucas awarded Carnegie Corporation Grant
The 6th annual Women's Networking Luncheon and Public Policy event was held on November 1. Fifty-four women attended from areas including academia, business, government, and nonprofit sectors. Taylor Carlson (left), Associate Professor of Political Science, and Diana Z. O'Brien (right), Bela Kornitzer Distinguished Professor and Professor of Political Science, presented their research. Carlson presented her work on distorted democracy, focusing on the ins and outs of how people detect disagreement, as well as the potential social ramifications of the conversation. O'Brien presented her work on the multifacted roles of women in politics, focusing on representation, voting, and behavior. The event was moderated by Elizabeth Larson, Associate Director of Research and Administration at the Weidenbaum Center. There was lively Q & A sessions following both presentations. A special thanks to event organizer, Molly Cline (center), co-chair of the Weidenbaum Center Eliot Society Committee, for her tireless efforts in organizing this terrific event each year! See more event photos and comments below.
Hover over pictures for captions
Speaker Diana Z. O'Brien
Speaker Taylor Carlson
Attendees Susan Conrad (left) and Marie Casey
Attendees Christy Beckmann (left) and Mary Schoolman (right), with Molly Cline (event organizer)
Congratulations to our Fall 2023 Weidenbaum Center Internal Grant Awardees!
Find out more about Weidenbaum Center Internal Grant AwardsHow Individual Preferences Are Formed Over Foreign Direct Investment
Reckoning With 'The Troubles': Contending Public Memories and Memorializations of Fatal Violence in Contemporary Belfast
De-Censor: How China Reveals Politically Sensitive Information
Rising Inequality in American Households' Sustainable Consumption
Careers in Policing: A Human Capital Approach
Conditional Random Fields
Candidate Gender Selection and Competitiveness
Econometrics in Centralized School Choice
Historical Sub-National Legislative Politics in the United States
Assessing the Impact of AI on Policy Preferences: Experimental Evidence from Mexico
Violent Interactions in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict